Outback 2 box is designed to fit between the wheel arches of all open back UK
Pick-Up trucks, box sizes 38”/965mm wide x depth (see below) x 27”/686mm high
at the front (25”/635mm high at the rear) to make the roof sloping to help take
the water away from the box front, with 2 key locking doors, door handles, Peak
on front of box to help keep out the weather, removable centre divider, 150mm
front sill to add to weather protection, 3mm internal mat, drain plug,
removable door covers (for when the weather is really bad), roof handles &
securing shackles.
30”/762mm deep. Total
40”/1016mm deep. Total
48”/1219mm deep. Total
(These can be made any sizes you require, let us know what size you need if not shown above).
Optional extras,
Please contact us if you require a bespoke option of the above system.
Prices are inclusive of VAT.
Delivery price available dependant on location, POA